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List of accounts with details.




    List of accounts with details.

  • Array [

  • resourceId stringnullable

    This shall be filled, if addressable resource are created by the ASPSP on the /accounts or /card-accounts endpoint.

    iban stringnullable

    IBAN of the account.

    bban stringnullable

    Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) Identifier.

    currency stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty, Value must match regular expression [A-Z]{3}

    Account Currency Code.

    name stringnullable

    Account name.

    product stringnullable

    Product Name of the Bank for this account, proprietary definition.

    cashAccountType stringnullable
    bic stringnullable

    The BIC associated to the account.

    ownerName stringnullable

    Name of the legal account owner. If there is more than one owner, then e.g. two names might be noted here. For a corporate account, the corporate name is used for this attribute. Even if supported by the ASPSP, the provision of this field might depend on the fact whether an explicit consent to this specific additional account information has been given by the PSU.




    A list of balances regarding this account,

    e.g. the current balance, the last booked balance.

    The list might be restricted to the current balance.

  • Array [

  • balanceType BalanceType (string)

    Possible values: [closingBooked, expected, openingBooked, interimAvailable, interimBooked, forwardAvailable, nonInvoiced]



    A single balance element. For showing in transalist will only be used for Booked transactions.

    currency stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty, Value must match regular expression [A-Z]{3}

    Currency Code.

    amount stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    The amount given with fractional digits, where fractions must be compliant to the currency definition. Up to 14 significant figures. Negative amounts are signed by minus. The decimal separator is a dot.

    creditLimitIncluded booleannullable

    A flag indicating if the credit limit of the corresponding account is included in the calculation of the balance, where applicable.

  • ]

  • _links


    Links to the account, which can be directly used for retrieving account information from this dedicated account.

    Links to "balances" and/or "transactions"

    These links are only supported, when the corresponding consent has been already granted.



    Link to a resource.

    href stringnullable

    href Entry.



    Link to a resource.

    href stringnullable

    href Entry.

  • ]