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It is contained in addition to the data element 'chosenScaMethod' if challenge data is needed for SCA. In rare cases this attribute is also used in the context of the 'startAuthorisationWithPsuAuthentication' link.

    myProperty bytenullable

    PNG data(max. 512 kilobyte) to be displayed to the PSU, Base64 encoding, cp. [RFC4648]. This attribute is used only, when PHOTO_OTP or CHIP_OTP is the selected SCA method.

    data stringnullable

    A collection of strings as challenge data.

    imageLink urinullable

    A link where the ASPSP will provides the challenge image for the TPP.

    otpMaxLength int32nullable

    The maximal length for the OTP to be typed in by the PSU.

    otpFormat OtpFormat (string)

    Possible values: [characters, integer]

    The format type of the OTP to be typed in. The admitted values are "characters" or "integer".

    additionalInformation stringnullable

    Additional explanation for the PSU to explain e.g. fallback mechanism for the chosen SCA method. The TPP is obliged to show this to the PSU